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Dr. Abdul Fadhil, S.Ag, M. Ag.

Department of Islamic Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia

NIDN/NIDK: 19711221 200112 1 001 / 0021127103
ID Sinta: 6103421

ID Scopus:-

  • 1992-1997. Bachelor’s degree of Islamic Religious Education – Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta
  • 1998-2000 Master of History and Islamic Civillisations – Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatyllah Jakarta
  • 2010-2017 Doctoral of Religious and Cross-cultural

History of Islamic Civillisations and Islamic Religius Education

Islamic Religious Education; History of Islamic Civilization; Thoughts of Indonesian Ulemas 

  • Anggraeni, A., Mardhiah, I., & Lubis, Z. (2019). Building Civilisation through Local Culture-Based Religiosity. Journal Studi Al-Quran, Vol. 15 No. 1. pp 90-116.
  • Oktaviani,(2018). Analysis of Pilgrimage Visit Motives in DKI Jakarta. International Proceeding ASEAN Youth Conference.
  • Khairunnisa, (2018). Developing Learning Media through Monopoly Game in Islamic Religious Education Subject. TARBAWY: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education, Vol. 5 Issue 1. pp 60-69.
  • Fadhil, A. (2022). The Role of the School Environment in Strengthening the Environmentally Caring Character of Students at Sman 111 Jakarta. Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Humaniora. Vol 13, No. 2.
  • Fadhil, A. (2022). Application of the Vak Learning Model to Improve Children’s Memory in Recognizing Hijaiyah Letters. Taklim : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam. Vol 20, No. 2.
  • Fadhil, A. (2022). Development of Learning Media Based on the Android Application ‘Salam’ in Learning Islamic Religious Education in Higher Education. Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan. Vol. 11, No. 1.
  • Fadhil, A. (2022). Socio-Cultural Revitalization, as an Effort to Empower the Character of Humanism in Students. The First International Conference on Democracy and Social Transformation (ICON-DEMOST): Humanity and The Change of Social and Political Landscape In Post Covid-19 World.
  • Fadhil, A. (2021). Edutainmnet-based Al-Quran learning (Implementation of Tahfidz Card Learning Media Development). Jurnal Studi Al-Qur’an. Vol 17, No.1.
  • Fadhil, A. (2020). Patterns and Narratives of the Islamic Movement at UNJ. Jurnal Hayula. Vol. 4, No. 2.
  • Fadhil, A. (2020). Critical Discourse Analysis of the News ‘About Social Distance, How the Government Prevents the Spread of the Corona Virus’ at Detik.Com. Jurnal Communicology. Vol. 8, No. 1.
  • Fadhil, A. (2019). Model of Revitalizing Multicultural Values ​​Through Empowerment Betawi Local Wisdom. Jurnal PENMAS. Vol. 1, No. 1.
  • Fadhil, A. (2019). Intifada Movement and the Emergence of Hamas (1987-1993). PERIODE : Jurnal Sejarah dan Pendidikan Sejarah. Vol.1, No.1.
  • Fadhil, A. (2019). Trends in Islamic Movements at Jakarta State University: Typology, Methods, and Responses to the Phenomenon
  • Religion in Indonesia. International Conference On Islam And Civilizations (ICIC 2019).
  • Fadhil, A. (2018). Spiritual Values ​​and Religious Harmony in the Daily Wirid of the Book Al-Aurad Al-Nuraniyyah. Jurnal Hayula. Vol. 2, No. 2.
  • Fadhil, A. (2018). Ethnopedagogy In Islamic Education Learning In University (Conception and Exploration of Religious and Social Values in Ethnic of Betawi).
  • Fadhil, A. (2018). Multicultural PAI Learning Model Based on Local Wisdom Values ​​Through Web Centric Course Learning at PTU.
  • Fadhil, A. (2018). The Path to God: Revitalization and Interpretation of the Meaning of the Creation of Implicit Shirat Dance Works. Vol. 2, No. 1.
  • Fadhil, A. (2017). Changes of Religious Behaviours: Sociological Analysis of Literature of The Novel Al-Thaliyâniy by Syukrî Al-Mabkhũt. Jurnal Studi Al-Qur’an. Vol. 13, No. 1.
  • Training in Understanding Prophetic Narratives About Humanity Friendliness for Teachers at the Nurul Huda Bekasi Islamic Boarding School. Funded by BLU FIS UNJ.
  • Humanitarian-Friendly Religious Literacy Training for Santri at the Nurul Huda Islamic Boarding School Bekasi. Funded by BLU FIS UNJ.
  • Humanitarian-Friendly Religious Literacy Training for Teachers at the Nurul Huda Islamic Boarding School Bekasi. Funded by BLU FIS UNJ
  • Fostering Islamic Spirituality Through the Practice of Daily Wirid Tariqat Syâdziliyyah for Islamic Religious Education Teachers in DKI Jakarta. Funded by BLU FIS UNJ
  • Mainstreaming Islamic Moderatism through Strengthening Literacy of Classical Islamic Treasures (A Study of the Book of Târikh Khulafâ’ by Imâm al-Suyûthî). Funded by BLU FIS UNJ.
  • Mentor Training on Fast Method of Reading the Qur’an Al-Barqy for Congregants of the Baitussalam Mosque, Ciracas, East Jakarta. Funded by BLU FIS UNJ