Jakarta, 7 March 2025 – The History Education Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, State University of Jakarta (UNJ), welcomed the visit of Prof. Celedonia Hilario from Northern Visayas College (NVC). This visit was a Public Lecture that discussed the history of how the Philippines and Indonesia have many similarities from language, culture, to traditional games. The event took place at Building K, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, State University of Jakarta, 2nd Floor, Room 212.
Prof. Celedonia Hilario came to Building K of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, then conducted a documentation session with the Dean, Vice Dean, Lecturers, and students. The event opened by the Ambassador and continued with remarks by Mr. Firdaus Wajdi, S.Th.I., M.A., Ph.D., as the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law. After a warm welcome by Mr. Firdaus Wajdi, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law gave appreciation in the form of certificates and plaques to Prof. Celedonia Hilario.

The event was attended by students from various study programs who sent their respective representatives. Their presence reflected their high enthusiasm in broadening their academic horizons and establishing international connections. With the involvement of students from various majors, the discussion in this public lecture became more dynamic and diverse, providing a broader perspective in understanding the material presented.
The Public Lecture was hosted by Mr. Sugeng Prakoso, S.S., M.T., who acted as moderator. With his experience in the field of history, he was able to direct the session well, ensuring that every part of the event ran smoothly and interactively. His role in bridging the communication between students and speakers was very helpful in creating a lively and weighty discussion.
In the main session, Prof. Celedonia Hilario delivered her presentation with passion and insight. She shared her experiences and research, giving students a new perspective on the history of the Philippines. The material presented was not only theoretical but also applicable.
After the presentation of the material, the event continued with an interactive question and answer session. Students were given the opportunity to ask questions directly to Prof. Hilario, who was happy to provide answers and a deeper understanding. The discussion showed the high curiosity of the students and their interest in the topics discussed.

After the academic activities in Building K, Prof. Celedonia Hilario continued her journey by taking a tour around Jakarta facilitated by representatives from UNJ's Office of International Affairs (OIA). This activity aims to introduce the culture and history of Indonesia's capital city, while providing a more in-depth experience for international guests in getting to know life and the academic environment at UNJ and Indonesia in general.
Public Lecture ini tidak hanya menjadi ajang berbagi ilmu, namun juga mempererat hubungan akademik antara UNJ dan Northern Visayas College. Dengan adanya kegiatan seperti ini, diharapkan kerjasama akademik antar universitas lintas negara semakin erat dan membuka peluang kerjasama di masa depan.[]
Writer: JRPS
Editor: WPS
FISH Media Center Team