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UNJ and Pattani Thailand: Discussion on International Cooperation and Cultural Exchange, Three FISH Study Programs Ready to Participate

Jakarta, February 25, 2025– Jakarta State University (UNJ) held a Focus Group Discussion on international cooperation with the Pattani Provincial Education Office, Thailand. This event was held at the M. Syafei Building, 8th floor, UNJ campus. 

The Pattani delegation who attended included Wittasit Sa-a, as Director of the Office of Private Education Pattani, Dr. Masnah Saree, Deputy Director of the Office of Private Education Pattani, Mustafa Weaalee, Director of Santitham School, and a group of representatives from several schools in Pattani Province.

Present at this event were the Secretary of the University, Prof. Suyono, the Head of LPPM, Prof. Iwan Sugihartono, the deans and vice deans of the faculties, the Head and Secretary of the UNJ International Affairs Office, and the Head and Head of the Public Relations and Information Office.

A delegation from the Private Education Office of Pattani Province, Thailand, visited UNJ in order to establish cooperation and participate in training activities on higher education management. This visit also served as a means to promote UNJ and attract students from Thailand.

UNJ has a vision to become a world-class university. We strive to attract foreign students to study at UNJ. We are pleased to hear that many students from Pattani will study at the State University of Jakarta.

"Hopefully in this forum, we can discuss with each other to design cooperation that can be implemented in the near future," concluded Prof. Suyono.

Cooperation with Pattani Province, Thailand, has been carried out by UNJ for the past two years. Some time ago, UNJ sent five students to do an internship in Pattani Province, Thailand, which was fully funded by the school where the students did their internship. The cooperation that has been carried out includes training for teachers, student exchanges, and industries in Pattani Province.

The event was then continued with a discussion forum and Q&A between UNJ and the Pattani Private Education Office. The deans and vice deans who attended representing their faculties introduced the study programs and internship programs that have been running.

The deans and vice deans were very enthusiastic and invited students in Thailand to collaborate with Pattani Province to study at UNJ from undergraduate, master's, and doctoral levels.

In addition to introducing each study program at Jakarta State University, further discussions were also held regarding opportunities for collaboration between UNJ and Pattani, including discussing the possibility of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law sending students to universities in Pattani Province, Thailand, and vice versa.

In an interview, Dr. Elisabeth Nugrahaeni P., M.Si., Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, stated that there are various possibilities that Pattani is interested in collaborating in three study programs, maybe even more. Some of them are the PPKN Study Program, Law, and Islamic Religious Education. After the discussion on the collaboration ended, a certificate was given to Mr. Wittayasil SA-A l, followed by a group photo session involving Mr. Wittayasil SA-A l and the officials of the Jakarta State University (UNJ). The moment became a symbol of the collaboration between UNJ and Pattani. The event ended with a thank you and a group photo.

Author: ASA, CM

Editor: WPS

FISH Media Center Team

Categories: Berita