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Field Study Class of 2022: Sociology of Deviant Behaviour

Field Study Class of 2022: Sociology of Deviant Behaviour

On October 31 – November 1, 2023, an field study (Turlap) was conducted by the Sociology Education students of 2022 for the Deviant Behavior Sociology course. Alongside Mrs. Ciek as the lecturer and accompanying instructor for the field study, the students visited 3 different locations for research purposes:

  1. Cipinang Class 1 Prison
  2. Sukamiskin Class 1 Prison
  3. Bandung Class IIA Women’s Prison

This activity aims to fulfill the final assignment of the Deviant Behavior Sociology course, which involves conducting research on deviant behaviors analyzed through a sociological perspective while also providing new experiences in direct research, especially in places like prisons. The cases studied range from mild to severe deviations.

Dr. Ciek Julyati H., MM., M.Si.
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