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A brief history

       Sociology Study Program of Jakarta State University is under the auspices of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Initially, Sociology Study Program was merged with Sociology Education Study Program under the coordination of Sociology Department with the name of Development Sociology Study Program. Starting in 2003, the Sociology Study Program operated based on the UNJ Rector’s permission letter. Then in 2004 with a legal basis through a letter of permission to organize a study program from the Ministry of National Education, Directorate General of Higher Education Number 4883/D/T/200, this study program formulated a focus study area in the field of social development.

       Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Cultural Education (pemendikbud) No. 154 of 2014 concerning the Clumps of Science and Technology and College Graduation Degrees, State University of Jakarta (UNJ) applies no longer the name of the department and enforces the study program (prodi), thus this has an impact on the separation of Sociology and Sociology Education Study Programs which were previously under the management of the Sociology Department.

       Furthermore, this separation was followed by the rector’s policy through the Decree (SK) of the Rector of the State University of Jakarta Number: 1714 / SP / 2017 concerning changes in the name of study programs within the State University of Jakarta (UNJ). Sociology Education Study Program is one that has changed and stands alone as a study program. This is based on the nomenclature of the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 257 / M / KPT 2017 concerning the Name of the Study Program at Higher Education. So that it is in line with the institutional arrangement of the Study Program at UNJ which is carried out with the standardization of the Higher Education Database (PDDIKTI). The separation of the study program requires each study program to improve, both in terms of curriculum and administration. This improvement resulted in the formulation of the vision and mission of the sociology education study program.

 *Click PDDIKTI icon for more information about Bachelor of Sociology Education


To become a center for the development of sociological science and sociological education which produces graduates who have the ability to think sociologically, critically, creatively and have communication and collaboration skills at the international level.


  1. Organizing learning, research and community service creatively.
  2. Carry out more advanced cooperation with various parties at the national and international levels

Currently, the Bachelor’s of  Sociology Education is led by Ubedilah Badrun, M.Si. The program study has twelve lecturers, supported by one administrative staff.


Every five years, we conduct accreditation assessments in accordance with the Ministry of Education and Culture’s guidelines. Currently, we have received an “Baik Sekali” accreditation rating from Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Kependidikan.

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