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Dr. Ahmad Tarmiji A., M.Si.

NIDN. 0011108605

Scopus ID: 57209748801


S3 Sosiologi Pedesaan, Institut Pertanian Bogor

S2 Sosiologi Pedesaan, Institut Pertanian Bogor

S1 Sosiologi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Field of Study:

Academic and Research Work

Bachelor Thesis 

Titian Peradaban: Telaah Sosiologis Atas Konsepsi Pendidikan Ibnu Khaldun

Master’s Thesis 

Kepemimpinan Elit Lokal di Pedesaan pada Era Desentralisasi: Studi Kepemimpinan Jawara di Pesisir Tangerang

Doctoral Thesis

Genealogi dan Fluiditas Gerakan Sosial Nelayan: Studi di Banten Utara



  1. Zid M., Alkhudri A.T., Casmana A.R., Marini A., Wahyudi A. 2020. Ex migrant workers of international women and social entrepreneurship: study at kenanga village in Indramayu Regency in West Java Province in Indonesia, 29 (06), 1855-1861
  2. Dalimoenthe I., Clara E., Akmal Y.,  Alkhudri A.T., Andhyni B.P., Sarwestri I.D. 2020. Psycho-Social Education (PSE) model: conceptualisation and implementation of empowerment models for families evicted from cities,13 (1), 1052-1072.

  3. From psychological burden to social economic changes: Analysis impact of evictions for women in Jakarta, in Proceedings of the
    International Conference on Rural Socio-Economic Transformation: Agrarian, Ecology, Communication and Community Development Perspectives, London: CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group), 2019, pp. 107-113 (Prosiding Scopus).
  4. Komarudin, Alkhudri A.T., Badrun U., Syaifudin, Casmana A. 2019. The nationality education model: the implementation of a score-a training model for youth across different cultures in Indonesia, 10 (2), 308-322.
  5. Metamorfosis Gerakan Sosial di Banten: Dari Romantisme Identitas ke Isu Agraria Lingkungan, dalam Sodality:Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan,
    Volume 6, Nomor 1, April 2018, hal. 24-31.
  6. Genealogy and Effectiveness of Fishermen Movements in North Banten – Indonesia, in International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
    (IJRSS), Volume 25: No 1 July 2018, pp. 11-18.
  7. Financial Management Strategy and Economy Independency in the Fishermen’s Households of Banten, in Asian EFL Journal, Volume 21, Issue
    2.3 March 2019, pp. 286-301. (Scopus Q2).
  8. The Nationality Education Model: The Implementation of a Score-A Training Model for Youth Across different Cultures in Indonesia, in
    Journal of Social Studies Education Research 10 (2), pp. 308-322. (Scopus Q2).
  9. Psycho-Social Education (PSE) Model: Conceptualisation and Implementation of Empowerment Models for Families Evicted from Cities, in
    International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020, pp. 1052-1072. (Scopus Q2).
  10. Ex Migrant Workers of International Women and Social Entrepreneurship: Study at Kenanga Village in Indramayu Regency in West Java
    Province in Indonesia, in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 06, (2020), pp. 1855-1861. (Scopus Q4).
  11. From Eco Marine Mart to Ecotourism: Development of Local Wisdom and Marine Creative Economy as Tourism Excellence, Abstract in
    International Conference On Natural and Social Science Education, 21-22 October 2020.
  12. From Eco Marine Mart to Ecotourism: Development of Local Wisdom and Marine Creative Economy as Tourism Excellence, Full Paper in
    International Proceeding, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 547, Atlantis Press, 2021, pp. 307-314.
  13. Ekologi Politik: Body of Knowledge, Sejarah Pemikiran, dan Perkembangan Empirik Terkini, dalam Jurnal Komunitas, Volume 2, Nomor. 2,
    Desember 2012, hh. 173-187.
  14. Konseptualisasi Ruang Sosial Pendidikan, dalam Jurnal Sosiologi MASYARAKAT, Labsosio UI, Vol. 17, No. 2, Juli 2012, hh. 207-216.

    Potensi Ekonomi dan Geopolitik Kab. Natuna, Kepulauan Riau, Puspol Indonesia, 2014.

  15. Strategi Nafkah dan Pola Pengambilan Keputusan Rumah Tangga Pengrajin Gula Kelapa: Studi di Desa Ujung Genteng Kecamatan Ciracap Kabupaten Sukabumi Jawa Barat, dalam Sodality : Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan, IPB, Vol. 03, No. 03, Desember 2015, hh. 129-139. 


  1. Pemikiran Pendidikan Ibnu Khaldun: Menggapai Transformasi Sosio-Edukasi dan Kesadaran Humanis, Bogor: Edukati Press, 2011.

  2. Problem Ekologis Perkotaan: Studi di DKI Jakarta dan Tangerang Selatan, Labsos FIS UNJ, 2017.

  3. Sosiologi Pedesaan: Teoretisasi dan Perkembangan Kajian Pedesaan di Indonesia, PT. Rajagrafindo Persada, 2016.

  4. Sosiologi Pendidikan Indonesia: dari Ontologis, Epistemologis, dan Aksiologis, Forkom PSPSA dan Lab.Sosio UNJ, 2016.

  5. Sosiologi Pesisir: Catatan Kecil dari Pedesaan Banten, Edukati Press, 2013

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