Prof. Dr. Budiaman,M.Si


Prof. Dr. Budiaman, M.Si

NIDN. 0021106702


  1.  S3 Pendidikan Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  2. S2 Antropologi, Universitas Indonesia
  3. S1 Pendidikan Sejarah, IKIP Jakarta

Field Of Study


Enviromental Education

History Education


    1.  2015 Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Eksperiensial dan Gaya Berpikir terhadap Kemampuan Siswa dalam Memecahkan Masalah Lingkungan Hidup 
    2. 2016 The Influence of Learning Strategies and Styles of Thought on The Ability of Students to Solve Environmental Problems.
    3. 2018 Interaksi Sosial Perempuan Pekerja Baduy
    4. 2018 Baduy Local Wisdom And Environmental Sustainability
    5. 2018 The model of Baduy’s community system to anticipate The social environment change
    6. 2019 Local Tourism Development and Socio-Economic Change In Belitung
    7. 2019 Implementation Plastic Crushing Machine to Increase Profit in Mutiara Waste Banks
    8. 2019 The role instructional leadership for students for ecology-behaviour
    9. 2019 Improving Coastal Children Eco-Literacy in Environmental Learning Through Mangroves Storytelling
    10. 2019 Integrative Learning Model Based on History and Local Culture in High Schools
    11. 2019 Strategies and Challenges in Implementing Multicultural Education on Religious-Based School: An Indonesian Context
    12. 2020 The Conflict Management at Workplace through Positive Social Change lead to the Social Equilibrium  and Supply Chain Performance of Baduy Society Based Food Supply Companies
    13. 2020 Teachers Sustainable Professional Development (SPD)
    14. 2021 Environmental quality model to have sustainable environment
    15. 2021 Learning Design on Social Studies Through Digital Book in Senior High School
    16. 2021 Local wisdom as environmental education on Kasepuhan Ciptagelar.
    17. 2021 The Need For Arabic Language Teaching Materials Based On Multicultural Education For Indonesian Diaspora Students
    18. 2021 Transformation of the Distribution of the Sedulur Sikep Samin Community, Blora Regency
    19. 2022 Development Of Geography Learning Tools Based On The Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) Curriculum
    20. 2022 Smart Class as Culture Learning Resources in Tourism Village in Cisaat


    1. 2017-Analysis of the Competency of Prospective Professional Teacher Candidates in Social Science Education Studies
    2. 2018-Multicultural Education Model in Religion-Based High Schools to Anticipate the Symptoms of National Disintegration
    3. 2018-Baduy Community Conflict Resolution Model in Maintaining Social Equilibrium
    4. 2018-Coastal Community Environmental Behavior Model in Tarumajaya Sub-District, Bekasi Regency
    5. 2019-Multicultural Education Model in ReligionBased High Schools to Anticipate the Symptoms of National Disintegration
    6. 2019-Community-Based Traditional Education Model in Maintaining Local Wisdom
    7. 2019-Integrative learning model based on local history and culture to strengthen national identity
    8. 2019-Development of a participation model based on the behavior of waste bank members in Jakarta
    9. 2019-Development of a safe and peaceful school to facilitate the strengthening of character based on local cultural values
    10. 2020-Multicultural Education Model in ReligionBased High Schools to Anticipate the Symptoms of National Disintegration
    11. 2020-Study on the Implementation of Teacher Certification Programme (PPG) at Universitas Negeri Jakarta
    12. 2021-Local Wisdom Construction Model Based on Ecocentrism in Indigenous Communities
    13. 2021-Readiness for Online Learning (E-Learning) Implementation at Universitas Negeri Jakarta
    14. 2021-Waste Management Based on Technology to Achieve a Green Campus
    15. 2021-Development of Outcome Based Education RPS for perpetuum science courses
    16. 2021-Earthcomm for the Development of Introductory Geography Course Learning Devices in Pendidikan IPS Program
    17. 2022-Sustainable Environmental Education Model Based on Digital Teaching Materials to Nurture Socialpreneurship among Junior High School Students in Bekasi City
    18. 2022-Smart Class as a Learning Resource in Cisaat Tourism Village, Subang, West Java


    1. 2019-Evaluator of Non-Textbook Anthropology Book
    2. 2018-University-Level Research and Community Service
    3. 2017-Teacher Professional Education Program
    4. 2017-On-Site Experience Program for Teacher Professional Education in Frontier, Remote, and Disadvantaged (SM-3T) Regions
    5. 2016-High School Anthropology Textbook

Work Experiences General and Expert

    1. 1992 – 1995 Teacher at SMU Islam Attahiriyah Jakarta  Timur
    2. 1993 – 2001 Lecturer at Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Azziyadah (STAIA) Jakarta,.
    3. 1994 – 1998 Lecturer at STKIP  PGRI  Jakarta.
    4. 1995 – 1999 Teacher at FTI  Universitas Jayabaya Jakarta.
    5. 1996 Teacher at SMA Labschool Jakarta
    6. 1994-now Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Jakarta,
    7. 2001 – 2003 Staf Pengembang Pembantu Rektor III Universitas Negeri Jakarta
    8. 2003 – 2007 Pembantu Dekan III Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Jakarta
    9. 2007 – 2011 Koordinator Pusat Pengembangan Wilayah, Afiliasi, dan Alumni Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta
    10. 2011 – 2016 Kepala Pusat Pendidikan Profesi dan Sertifikasi Guru dan Dosen Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Jakarta
    11. 2016 – 2020 Koordinator Pusat Pengelolaan KKN dan PKM Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta
    12. 2020-2024 Sekretaris Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Penjaminan Mutu (LP3M)

Academic Activities

    1. 2004 Internasional Multicultural Education Revitalising Nationalism Towards Strengthening National Identity and International Peace : The Rule of Higher Education Amid The Age of Globalisation
    2. 2007 International Management Education Conference, Comparative Perspectives on Best Practices

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