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Profil Dr. Muhammad Zid M.Si.

Dr. Muhammad Zid M.Si.

Department of Geography Education
Faculty of Social Science
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 1983-1988, Bachelor’s degree in Geographic Education, IKIP Bandung/UPI
  • 1997-2000, Master’s degree in Rural Sociology, IPB University, Bogor
  • 2007-2012, Doctoral in Rural Sociology, IPB University, Bogor
Research Interest
Rural Sociology, Human Geography, Rural Geography, Migration, Rural Economics.
Course Taught
Rural Geography, Rural Sociology, Agricultural Geography, Cultural Geography, Biogeography.
• F Wahyu, LK Sari, M Zid (2019) Behavior of Kampung Naga Communities in Managing Sanitation and Health Facilities. Journal of Geography, Education and the Environment (JGEL) 3 (1), 16-21.
• W Khairunisa, S Puspita, YR Hapsari, OS Hardi, A Sya, M Zid. (2019) Gender Roles in Farmer Families in Kampung Naga, Neglasari Village, Salawu District, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java.
• Nur Faizah, M Zid, Odes Hardi. (2018) Social Mobility and Betawi Ethnic Identity. SPATIAL Journal – Forum for Communication and Geographical Information 18 (1), 36-50.
• Jayanto S., Zid M., Dewi YS. (2018) Relationship Between Responsibility and Commitment with Environmental Leadership in the Implementation of Sustainable Development. Vol 7 No 2 (2018): Journal of Green Growth and Environmental Management.
• Budiaman, Zid, M., Hidayat, R., & Mukhtar, S. (2018). The Model of Baduy’s Community System to Anticipate The Social Environment Change. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 2.
• Zid M., Hardi O S. (2018) Biogeografi. Bumi Aksara ISBN: 978-602-444-470-9
• Zid, M., Hardi, O. S., & Falah, H. (2017). Baduy Interaction and Social Change in the Modern Era. SPATIAL Journal – Forum for Communication and Geographical Information, 17(1), 14–24.
• Zid M.. (2017) Rural Sociology: Theorization and Development of Rural Studies in Indonesia. LP3M Press Universitas Negeri Jakarta ISBN: 978-602-390-028-2.
• Zid M.. (2017) Coastal Sociology: A small note from rural areas in Banten. Edukati ISBN: 978-602-19235-5-9.
• Zid M, Munandar A, (2016) The Institutional Model for Managing Rural Ex-Migrant Women. LP3M Universitas Negeri Jakarta.
• Ahnanto, Syahpirudin E, Waskita IP, Novita, Hartati S, Tjala A, Zid M,. (2014) The Urgency of Mangrove Preservation and Rehabilitation for the People of Pantai Mekar Village, Muara gembong District. SPATIAL Journal – Forum for Communication and Geographical Information, 12.
• Zid, M. Hardi, O S, Nugratama S. (2013) Gender Based Sustainable Agriculture Management Model in Rural Areas in Purwakarta Regency, West Java. SPATIAL Journal – Forum for Communication and Geographical Information, 11.
• Zid M, (2012) Exploring Habermas’s Thoughts About the Environmental Movement; From the Thinking of Jurgen Habermas and Kart Marx and the Dilemma of Management of Forest as a Natural Resources in Indonesia. Jurnal FKIP: Region Vol 2.1 .
• Zid M, (2011) Phenomenon of family fishermen’s livelihood strategies: Ecological adaptation in Cikahuripan-Cisolok, Sukabumi. Jurnal Sosialita Vol 9.1 .
• Zid M, Sjaf S (2009) History of the Development of the Bugis-Makassar Village in South Sulawesi. Sejarah Lontar Vol 6.2 Hal 38-53 .
• Zid M, (2008) Communication and Power: A Short Review of Political Communication during the Orba and Post Orba. Mimbar Demokrasi. ISP FIS UNJ.
• Satyalancana Karya Satya X Tahun (A 10-year award for service recognition as a civil servant with recognition on skills, discipline, loyalty and dedication from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education).
• Satyalancana Karya Satya XX Tahun (A 20-year award for service recognition as a civil servant with recognition on skills, discipline, loyalty and dedication from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education).
• Community Based Maritime Tourism Development Model in Banten Province. Year: 2017 | Role: Chief Proposer | Source of Funds: Internal Higher Education – Basic Research .
• Construction of Social Interaction in the Regionalization of Culture in Communities in the Nodal Region (Studies in the Areas of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi) Year: 2016 | Role: Chief Proposer | Source of Funds: Government – Applied Research.
• Institutional Models for Rural Women’s Ex-Migrant Management. Year: 2016 | Role: Chief Proposer | Source of Funds: Ristekdikti – Primary Research in Higher Education.
• Policy of Tsunami Disaster Management Plan in Seluma District, Bengkulu Province. Year: 2016 | Role: Proposing Member | Source of Funds: Ristekdikti – Higher Education Applied Research.
• Institutional Models of Rural Women’s Ex-Migrant Management. Year:2015 | Role: Chief Proposer | Source of Funds: Ristekdikti – Primary Research in Higher Education.
• Relation of Cultural Regionalization in Community Social Practices. Year 2014| Role: Chief Proposer | Source of Funds: Government – Applied Research.
• Development of Institutional Model for Mangrove Management Using the ISM (Interpretative Structural Modeling) Method in the Coastal District of Tangerang. Year: 2014 | Role: Proposing Member | Source of Funds: Ristekdikti – Applied Product Research.
• Development of Institutional Model for Mangrove Management Using the ISM (Interpretative Structural Modeling) Method in the Coastal District of Tangerang. Year: 2013 | Role: Proposing Member | Source of Funds: Ristekdikti – Applied Product Research.
• Differences in Knowledge of Disaster Preparedness in the South and North Coast of West Java Province Year: 2013| Role: Chief Proposer | Source of Funds: Government – Applied Research.