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Anggun Nadia Fatimah, M.Si.

Department of Public Relations and Digital Communication

Faculty of Social Sciences

Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia

NIDN/NIDK: 0021029006

ID Sinta: 6817797

ID Scopus: 57220805034


  • 2007-2013, Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Science – Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
  • 2018-2020, Master of Science in Communication Studies – Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

Digital Communication, Digital Media, Digital Culture, Virtual Learning Community

Personality Development, Psychology of Communication, English for PR, Introduction to Advertising, Basic English, Collaboration, Introduction to Scientific Writing, Intercultural Communication

  • Fatimah, A.N.,, Peran dan Fungsi Praktisi Hubungan Masyarakat di Organisasi Nirlaba. Innovative: Journal of Social Science Research. 2023.
  • Muzani, M.,, The obstacles hierarchy of school disaster preparedness implementation in Mount Sinabung area, Indonesia. Frontiers in Education. 2022.
  • Fatimah, A. N., How Does a Virtual Learning Community Learn? A Lesson Learned from Komunitas Guru Belajar in Indonesia. In ICHELSS: International Conference on Humanities, Education, Law, and Social Sciences. 2022
  • Fatimah, A.N. & Irwansyah. Indonesian Version of FASER LX Scale to Measure Learner Experience: A Validation Study. E3S Web of Conference. 2020.
  • Fatimah, A. N., Reading in Communication Perspective. Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia. 2020.\
  • Fatimah, A. N, Construction of Single Mother Blogger towards Attached Negative Labels. Jurnal Komunikasi Indoneisa. 2019.
  • Fatimah, A. N., Peer to Peer Lending iGrow dalam Memberdayakan Komunitas Petani. Proceeding of Seminar Nasional Pengembangan SDM Indonesia dalam Mendukung Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Digital.
  • Fatimah, A.N. & Salamah U. Mobile Instant Messaging for Mobile Learning Activity: Use of WhatsApp Group as Mobile Learning Platform in Anak Pintar Community. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. 2019.
  • Al Harkan, Fatimah, & Erawaty. Communication Network of #BapakHoaxNational Hashtag on Twitter in The 2019 Presidential Election: A Communication Network Analysis. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. 2021.
  • Awardee of Paragon Inspiring Lecturers Program (2023)
  • Best Graduate of FISIP UI (2020) \
  • Awardee of NAMA Foundation Training of Trainers Scholarship (2019)
  • 2023. Public Relations Roles and Functions in Government, Corporate, and Civil Society Organization in Indonesia. Funded by BLU Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta.
  • 2023. Optimalisasi Situs Web Sekolah sebagai Sarana Publikasi dan Promosi melalui Peningkatan Keterampilan Jurnalistik Siswa. Funded by Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education.