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Profil Prof. Dr. M. Japar, M.Si.

Prof. Dr. M. Japar, M.Si.

Pancasila and Civic Education
Faculty of Social Science
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 1985-1990. Bachelor’s degree in PMP-KN – Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta
  • 1996-1999, Master’s degree in Political Science – Universitas Indonesia, Depok
  • 2001-2010, Doctoral degree in Educational Technology– Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta
Research Interest
Civic Education and Instructional Technology
Course Taught
Instructional Media ; Research Methodology ; Introduction to Political Science ; Democracy and Human Rights ; Civic ; Pancasila ; Theories of Learning ; Character Education ; and Theory and Constitutional Law.
• Japar, M., dkk. (2019). Leadership and Organizational Culture with Teacher Professional Competence: Correlation study on Elementary School Teachers in Jakarta. East African Scholars Journal of Education Humanities and Literature, 2(2).
• Japar, M. (2018). The Improvement of Indonesia Students ‘Engagement in Civic Education through Case Based Learning’. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 9 (3), 27-44.
• Japar, M., dkk. (2018). Building Democracy of Culture in School through Jurisprudential Inquiry. Jurnal Kependidikan: Penelitian Inovasi Pembelajaran. 2(2), 333-347.
• Japar, M., dkk. (2018). Implementation of Character Education for Participants in Class IV State Primary School 5 Sindangkasih. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology 3 (7), 25-28.
• Japar, M., dkk. (2018). Improving Discipline and Learning Independence of PKn through Reinforcement. American Journal of Educational Research, 8 (7), 1033-1039.
• Japar, M., dkk. (2018). Improving Social Attitudes and Knowledge through Role Playing Method. American Journal of Educational Research, 6 (7), 1040-1045.
• Japar, M., dkk. Application of Multicultural Education in Forming Characters of Classics Classification V Basic School 7 Metro Lampung Center. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research 760-764.
• Japar, M., dkk. (2018). Pembentukan Karakter Kemandirian melalui Kegiatan OSIS di Sekolah Menengah Atas. Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial, 86-103.
• Japar, M., dkk. (2018). The Development of Heroes Story Book as The Social Science Studying Source for Fifth Grade of Elementary School. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research, 567-571.
• Japar, M. (2017). Jurisprudential Inquiry sebagai Model Pembelajaran Alternatif untuk Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di Sekolah Menengah Atas. Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 27 (1), 49-59.
• Satyalancana Karya Satya X Tahun (2003)
• Satyalancana Karya Satya XX Tahun (2004)
• 2011. Teaching Materials Preparation Training to Improve the Quality of Learning and Teacher Professionalism. Funded by DIPA PNPB UNJ.
• 2012. Training on Making and Utilizing Visual Based Learning Media to Improve Teacher Competence. Funded by DIPA PNPB UNJ.
• 2013. Design Training and PPKn Learning Application to Improve Learning Quality. Funded by DIPA PNPB UNJ.
• 2014. Training of Scientific Approach Implementation in PPKn Learning to Improve Teacher Competence. Funded by DIPA PNPB UNJ.
• 2015. Training on Making Authentic Assessment for Civic Teachers to Improve Teacher Professionalism. Funded by DIPA PNPB UNJ.
• 2016. Training on Investment Human Rights Values in Learning PPKn to Improve Learning Quality. Funded by DIPA BLU UNJ.
• 2017. Training on Making Innovative Learning Media for Teachers of PPKn to Realize Attractive Learning. Funded by DIPA BLU UNJ.
• 2018. Training on Strengthening Social Tolerance in Learning Pancasila and Civic Education. Funded by DIPA BLU UNJ.
• 2011. Development of Conceptual Model of Character Education in Higher Education. Funded by DIPA PNPB UNJ.
• 2012. Development of teaching materials of Character Education for Higher Education. Funded by DIPA PNPB UNJ.
• 2013. Training on Scientific Approach Implementation in PPKn Learning to Improve Teacher Competence DIPA PNPB UNJ.
• 2014. PPKN Teacher Competency Profile in Making Authentic Assessment in DKI Jakarta. Funded by DIPA PNPB UNJ.
• 2015. PPKN Teacher Competence in Implementing Scientific Approach Based Learning. Funded by DIPA PNPB UNJ.
• 2016. Social Teacher Competencies in Implementing Human Rights Based Learning. Funded by DIPA BLU UNJ.
• 2017. Development of a Model for Measuring Social Tolerance in Urban Communities. Funded by DIPA BLU UNJ..
• 2018. Mapping the Sundanese Society’s Social Tolerance Model for Strengthening Unity in Diversity. Funded by DIPA BLU UNJ.