Profil Muhammad Hasmi Yanuardi, S.S., M. HUM.

Muhammad Hasmi Yanuardi, S.S., M. HUM.

History Education
Faculty of Social Science
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 2002. Bachelor Degree in History (Sarjana Sastra) – Department of History, Faculty of Letters, University of Indonesia, Depok.
  • 2010. Master Degree in Humanities (M. Hum.) – Department of Archaeology, Post-Graduate Program, Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia.
Research Interest
His main research interests are culture resource management / CRM (heritage studies), Public History, Indonesian Modern History, Political History and International Relation, and American History (History of the United States of America).
Course Taught
History of the United States of America, Modern Dutch language (for history subject), Political History and International Relation, Historiography, History of Indonesia in National Awakening Era, History of Indonesia since its Independence to the end of the Old Orde, History of Indonesia since the New Orde to the Reform Era.
Jurnal Sejarah Lontar

• Muhammad Hasmi Yanuardi. (2007). Sejarah Imigran Jepang di Amerika Serikat sampai masa Perang Dunia II: Sebuah pengantar awal.

Jurnal Perjalanan Wisata, Destinasi, dan Hospitalitas: Melancong
• Eka Sulistiani, Muhammad Hasmi Yanuardi, Sugeng Prakoso (Vol.1, No. 1, Maret 2018). Komunitas Jelajah Budaya, 2003-2013: Upaya Membentuk Kepedulian dan Kesadaran Sejarah Masyarakat.
• 2018. Penghargaan Satya Lencana Karya Satya ke-10.
• 2015. Peranan Golongan Etnis Cina di Hindia Belanda dalam Mendukung Ide Nasionalisme Indonesia (1900-1945) by DIPA BLU UNJ.
• 2016. Perbedaan Keterangan dan Interpretasi Atas Peristiwa Proklamasi 1945: Sebuah Analisa Tiga Tulisan by DIPA BLU UNJ.
• 2017. Suharto dan Konsolidasi Kekuasaan Politik Politik Orde Baru 1966-1977 by DIPA BLU UNJ.
• 2018. Penulisan Biografi Sejarah: Penelaahan Kembali Fungsi dan Tujuannya Dalam Historiografi Modern