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Profil Sugeng Prakoso, S.S., M.T.

Sugeng Prakoso, S.S., M.T.

History Education
Faculty of Social Science
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 2018 – Present: Doctoral student at the Department of Southeast Asia Studies, Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies, University of Bonn, Germany.
  • 2007 – 2010: Master of Science in Development Studies, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia.
  • 1992 – 1998: Bachelor of Letters in Archaeology, University of Indonesia.
Research Interest
My research interests are mainly on the nexus of culture, materiality and history. The themes that I focus on are identity, cultural resistance, urban culture and history, cultural globalization, food culture and history, and history of knowledge, science, and technology.
Course Taught
Teaching in the courses of Cultural History of Indonesia, History of Ancient Indonesia , History of Southeast Asia, History of Science and Technology, Maritime History, Intellectual History, and Social and Cultural Theories.
Book Chapter
”Dari ’Exotic Theory’ Hingga ’Neo-Marxis’: Jalan panjang Pencarian Model Asal Mula Produksi Pangan (From ’Exotic Theory’ to ’Neo-Marxis’: In Search of the Origins of Food Production), dalam Cakrawala Arkeologi (Penyunting, R. Cecep Eka Permana, dkk.), Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, UI, 2003.
Book Editing
• Menyongsong Kurikulum Sejarah 2013 – Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Sejarah (Welcoming the History Curriculum of 2013 – Proceedings of National Seminar on History Education). Jakarta, 18-19 Mei 2013 (Jurusan Sejarah UNJ, Jakarta, 2014)
• Ruwatan Sukerta & Ki Timbul Hadiprayitno authored by Sri Teddy Rusdy. Yayasan Kertagama, Jakarta, 2012.
• Peradaban Jawa: Dari Mataram Kuno sampai Majapahit Akhir (Javanese Civilization: From Ancient Mataram to the End of Majapahit). Komunitas Bambu, Depok, 2011.
• A Young Javanese Shepherd: Finding Indonesia in the Kangarooo Land (Pramita Press, Tangerang, 2009). (English edition)
• Impian dari Tepi Kali Cibogo: Otobiografi Dr. Hadi Soebadio (The Dream from Cibogo Riverbank: A Biography of Dr Hadi Soebadio). (Pramita Press, Tangerang, 2008).
• The Holocaust Industry (Indonesian translation) authored by Norman G. Finkelstein (Ufuk Press, Jakarta, 2006).
• Peradaban Jawa: Dinamika Pranata Politik, Agama, dan Ekonomi Jawa Kuno. (Javanese Civilization: The Dynamics of Political, Religious, and Economic Institutions in Ancient Java. (Komunitas Bambu, Depok, 2002).
Journal Article
• “Historiografi Asia Tenggara, 1955-2010: Perubahan Perspektif, Tema, dan Metode” (Southeast Asian Historiography, 1955-2010: Changes in Perspectives, Themes, and Methods) in Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah, Vol. 7 No. 2 (2018).
• (Bersama Eka Sulistiani dan M. Hasmi Yanuardi). ‘Komunitas Jelajah Budaya, 2003-2013: Upaya Membentuk Kepedulian dan Kesadaran Sejarah Masyarakat‘ (‘Jelajah Budaya’ Community, 2003-2013: Developing Historical Awareness and Consciousness in Society), Melancong: Jurnal Perjalanan Wisata, Destinasi, dan Hospitalitas Vol. I, No. 1, Maret 2018.
• “Konsepsi-konsepsi ‘Teknologi dan Budaya’: Keterpisahan versus Ketidakterpisahan” (‘Conceptions of Technology and Culture: Separability versus Inseparability’), Lontar Vol. 9 No. 1 Januari-Juni 2012.
• ‘Konsepsi-Konsepsi Budaya: Evolusi Menuju Definisi yang Bersifat Semiotis’ (‘Cultural Conceptions: An Evolution toward a Semiotic Definition’), Lontar Vol. 8 No. 2 Juli-Desember 2011.
• ”Teknologi dan Perubahan Sosial: Suatu ’Antropologi Teknologi’ Mengenai Jala-Jala Listrik PLN” (’Technology and Social Change: An Anthropology of Electricity Network’), Lontar Vol. 8 No. 1 Januari-Juni 2011.
• ’Dilema Revitalisasi Pusaka Budaya: Kasus Pembangunan Braga City Walk di Kota Bandung’ (’The Dilemma of the Revitalization of Cultural Heritage: The Case of Braga City Walk Development in Bandung City’), Jurnal Kepariwisataan Indonesia Vol. 5 No. 3, September 2010.
• ”Teknologi, Demokrasi, dan Pembelajaran Sosial: ’Lesson Learned’ dari Kasus Rencana Pembangunan PLTN Muria” (’Technology, Democracy, and Social Learning: The Case of Muria NPP Development Plan’), Sosialita Vol. 6 No. 1 Desember 2009.
• ’Politik Pembangunan Orde Baru: Industrialisasi, Swastanisasi, dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi’ (’The New Order’s Developmental Politics: Industrialization, Privatization, and Economic Growth’), Lontar Vol. 6 No. 1 Januari-Juni 2009.
• ’Arkeologi Produksi Pangan: Sebuah Sigi Teoretis’ (’The Archaeology of Food Production: A Theoretical Survey’), Lontar Vol. 5 No. 2 Juli-Desember 2008.
• ’Problematika Perlindungan Kebudayaan Tradisional: Tinjauan terhadap Pasal 10 UU Hak Cipta 2002’ (’Problems of the Protection of Traditional Culture: A Critical Review on The Copyright Law 2002, Article 10’), Lontar Vol. 5 No. 1 Januari-Juni 2008.
• ”Jalinan Feodalisme dan Kapitalisme Agraris: Telaah terhadap Buku ’Kebesaran dan Tragedi Kota Banten’” (’The Interwoven of Feudalism and Agrarian Capitalism: A Book Review on ’Kebesaran dan Tragedi Kota Banten’), Lontar Vol. 4 No. 2 Juli-Desember 2007
• Satyalancana Karya Satya X Tahun (2018)
• 2017. Project: “Culinary Culinary Tourism in Bandung from Perspective of Technocultural Studies”. Funded by DIPA PNPB UNJ.
• 2016. Project: “A Change of Themes and Methodology in Southeast Asian Historiography, 1955-2010”. Funded by DIPA PNPB UNJ.
• 2015. Project: “Local Response to Global Phenomena: The Glocalization of Culinary Practices in Jakarta”. Funded by DIPA PNPB UNJ.