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Wasono Adi, S.Sos., MPC

Department of Public Relations And Digital Communication 

Faculty of Social Sciences 

Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia


ID Sinta: –

ID Scopus: – 


  • 2007-2009, Edith Cowan University, in Master of Professional Communication
  • 2000-2005, Universitas Indonesia, in Communication Science

Advertising and Public Relations, Public Relations for Disaster Prevention and Recovery Management, Public Information Disclosure and Hoax news dissemination prevention.

Fundamental of Advertising; Integrated Marketing Communication; PR Media Production; Visual Communications.

  • Adi, W. (2016). Analisis Tekstual Gaya Bahasa Iklan Harbolnas versi Sakit Jiwa Toko Online di Internet. Jurnal Communicology.
  • Adi, W. (2017). The Effect of Consumer Behavior amongst Student of The State University of Jakarta on Product Online Purchase Decision at Online Shop. Jurnal Riset Manajemen Sains Indonesia.