MUI Exchanges Thoughts with Al-Majelis Al-Ilmu Al-A’la Morocco, Discusses Da’wah of the Ummah

The MUI delegation consisting of leadership elements included the Secretary General of MUI Dr. Amirsyah Tambunan, the Head of Foreign Relations and International Cooperation Prof. Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, the head of the Arts and Culture Division Dr. Jeje Zainudin, the Treasurer Dr. Erni Juliana and Trisna Djuwaeli, as well as a number of MUI administrators.

Al Majlis al-Ilmi al-A’la (MIA) in its daily activities is led by the Secretary General of Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Yusuf. This institution has the task of

coordinating various da’wah and mosque programs throughout Morocco.

This institution has a structure at the central to regional levels, to prosper various mosques and organize Islamic da’wah throughout Morocco.

In Indonesia, MIA can be equated with MUI in terms of fostering religious life. The difference is that the MUI is not authorized to appoint and pay takmir, imam and khatib personnel while MIA appoints and places them as civil servants for takmir and da’wah affairs.

In his remarks, the Secretary General of MIA expressed his deep happiness because he was able to meet face-to-face with scholars from Indonesia.

According to him, this is because Indonesia has a special position in the hearts of the Moroccan people. This special position is due to Indonesia’s support for Moroccan independence.

In his remarks, MUI Secretary General Buya Amirsyah Tambunan introduced the MUI delegation and explained about the MUI’s mission to build a network of world ulema institutions.

On that basis, MUI conducts various communications with cleric institutions in Palestine, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Australia, and Morocco.

According to Dr. Amirsyah, this is aimed at equalizing perceptions and exchanging experiences about fostering religious life that contributes to the development of civilization.

Continuing the explanation of the Secretary General of MUI, Secretary of the MUI Foreign Relations and International Cooperation Commission, Dr. Andy Hadiyanto explained the role of MUI as a government partner and MUI’s desire to establish concrete cooperation with MIA, especially in the management of Islamic da’wah and mosque takmir activities.

During the meeting, the Secretary General of MIA presented the book Al-Muwaththa by Imam Malik which was tahqiq by MIA scholars. On the other hand, Prof. Sudarnoto as the Head of HLNKI MUI presented several books produced by MUI, including the proceedings of the Congress on religion, peace, and civilization, the Halal Tourism book, and the MUI Fatwa Guidebook. (Andy, ed: Nashih)

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