August 8th, 2022 — Students of The UNJ Communication Studies S1 Study Program batch 2022 received a chance to attend practitioner teaching Integrated Communication Technology from The Project Manager of Batavia Labs, Afdhal Yaned. The class will occur in four meetings, specifically from August 8th to September 21st, 2022.
Dr. Dini Safitri S. Sos, M. Si, CPR as Head of the UNJ Communication Studies S1 Study Program and lecturer for Integrated Communication Technology expects the students to learn about communication and technology from the practitioner.
Integrated Communication Technology is one of the obligatory subjects at UNJ Communication Studies S1 Study Program which includes communication knowledge and skill accompanied by the development of computer applications and communication in digital marketing. The active and creative level of the students got emphasized by the project that is given in class. This knowledge and skill will be beneficial for the future. With communication and technology, students would never run out of innovations to develop and execute in the future.
The active and creative level of the students got emphasized by the project that is given in the class. This knowledge and skill will be beneficial for them in the future. With communication and technology, students would never run out of innovations to develop and execute in the future