Jakarta (21/11/2022) – In September 2022, 8 to 17 September 2022 to be exact, a series of activities from the 2022 Chancellor Cup XXXII have been held. Various sports were contested, ranging from futsal, basketball, badminton, tennis, fencing, and woodball. Students from the Jakarta State University Communication Studies Program took part in the competition.

In the Rector’s Cup this time, the UNJ Communications Undergraduate student basketball team won 2nd place in men’s basketball and 3rd place in women’s basketball. 2nd place in the Men’s Basketball Team consisting of Muhammad Kevin Arnanda Imron – Communication Science 2020, Noval Pramana – 2021 Communication Science, Reyhan Oktaviano – 2021 Communication Science Muhammad Rafi Dwi Cahyo – Communication Science 2021

3rd place Winner Women’s Basketball Team consisting of Rahma Azzahra – Communication Science 2020 , Haisya Imanda Nabila Maisa – Communication Science 2021, Najlaa Rasyifa Rianda – Communication Science 2021, and Syifa Musyaffa – Communication Science 2021

Coordinator of UNJ’s Bachelor of Communication Studies program, Dr. Dini Safitri, S.Sos, M.Si, C.PR are happy with this achievement. “Congratulations to the men’s and women’s basketball teams of S1 Communication Science students who have achieved achievements in the Rector’s Cup. Hopefully, his achievements can be improved to become the overall champion.” said Dini.