Jakarta, November 13, 2023 – The Academic, Student Affairs, and Public Relations Bureau, in collaboration with the Technical Implementation Unit of Counseling Services at UNJ organized the event “Enhancing Study Completion Motivation” with the theme “Managing Stress Towards Successful Thesis” at the Bung Hatta Hall, 2nd Floor of the Graduate School Building at UNJ. The event was attended by the speaker and expert psychologist, Arum Septi Mawarni, M.Psi., Psychologist.

The activity was attended by undergraduate students at UNJ, including representatives from the Communication Science program. The number of participants was limited to 200 students from various cohorts, different faculties, and diverse study programs at UNJ. Data from the 200 participants were drawn from various cohorts and distributed across 8 different faculties. The number of students from each faculty is as follows: FIP (52 students), FBS (47 students), FMIPA (33 students), FIS (41 students), FT (28 students), FIO (1 student), FPPsi (1 student), and FE (80 students).

Dr. Dini Safitri, S.Sos., M.Si., CPR., the Coordinator of the Communication Science Study Program UNJ, welcomed this event as part of student consultation activities aimed at providing services to students to remain productive and overcome mental health crises.

Arum Septi Mawarni, M.Psi., Psychologist, as the speaker and psychologist, stated in her closing statement, “You have a choice. You have a choice every day and every moment of your life regarding whether or not you want to nurture your body and yourself. The more you nurture yourself, the less the world can truly hurt you.”

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