Recap of 6 Recent Publications by S-1 Communication Science UNJ Lecturer, Dr. Kinkin Yuliaty Subarsa Putri, M.Si.,

Within the world of education, the contributions of lecturers are not only seen in their classroom teaching but also in the works they produce. This includes Dr. Kinkin Yuliaty Subarsa Putri, M.Si. who has published numerous articles and books alongside her duties as a lecturer. The works she has published not only enrich knowledge but also provide inspiration for students and colleagues.

Between the years 2024 and 2025, Dr. Kinkin has successfully published several works, including most recently, 5 articles and 1 book, in which: 

The first article is entitled “Religious Moderation on Instagram: An Islamic Interpretation Perspective (2025)” written by Dr. Kinkin Yuliaty Subarsa Putri, M.Si. as the second author with several other colleagues, namely Andy Hadiyanto and Luthfi Fazli. This article was published in Scopus indexed international journal, Heliyon. Discuss the challenges of religious freedom and plurality in Indonesia, where radicalism, especially among young people, is a serious threat triggered by extremist narratives and events such as the 2018 Surabaya bombings.

The second article title is “The Influence of Brand Ambassador Red Velvet on the Purchase Decision of BNI Tapcash (2025)” by Anggito Priyambodo, Kinkin Yuliaty Subarsa Putri, and Vera Wijayanti Sutjipto. This article was published in the Journal of Digital Marketing and Communication. Explains the influence of South Korean Girl Group, Red Velvet as a brand ambassador on consumer purchasing decisions for BNI Tapcash cards, electronic payment cards. The results indicate that brand ambassadors have a significant relationship with purchasing decisions.

Published in the same journal as the second article, the third article by Dr. Kinkin Yuliaty Subarsa Putri, M.Si. is “Robert N. Entman’s Framing Analysis of the Final Presidential Debate on Social Welfare in and (February 4-5, 2024) (2025)”. as the second author written with colleagues, namely Natasya Ananda Rheta Sitanggang and Nada Arina Romli. The research compares the news framing of the presidential debate on social welfare in and As a result, focuses on program details, while focuses on verbal dynamics. Media framing influences readers’ perceptions of candidates.

In addition to the 3 articles above that were published in international journals, Dr. Kinkin also published 2 articles in the SINTA 2 accredited journal, entitled “The Use of Crisis Communication Strategies by Erigo in Emergency Management and Plagiarism Issues (2024)” written with Luthfi Fazli, Helyana Wulandari, Nada Arina Romli, and Wiratri Anindhita. Also the article “The Contribution of Social Identity to Conformity in Korean Pop Fans (2024)” collaboration between Dr. Kinkin and Luthfi Fazli.

Not only articles, Dr. Kinkin Yuliaty Subarsa Putri, M.Si. also published a collaborative book as the second author with other S-1 Communication Science lecturers, Marisa Puspita Sary, M.Si., Dr. Maulina Larasati Putri, M.I.Kom., and Vera Wijayanti Sutjipto, M.Si., titled Manajemen Media Massa di Era Digital (2024). This book discusses the transformation of mass media in the digital era, focusing on the role of social media and digital media management strategies. 

With the several works she has produced, Dr. Kinkin Yuliaty Subarsa Putri, M.Si. shows her commitment and dedication to the world of education. Her achievements are an inspiration for others to continue working and contributing to the development of science. Through her works, she has created a legacy of knowledge that will be remembered, especially in the scope of S-1 Communication Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta.

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