Jakarta – The Communication Studies Study Program (Prodi) UNJ participated in the FGD of The Eurasia International Course VII FIS UNJ with Prof. Bambang Purwanto who is a professor at UGM that also the Leiden University Chair in the History of Dutch-Indonesia (13/10/2022). Prof. Bambang has collaborated a lot with Leiden University scientists to pioneer international education and research programs to study history and Multiculturalism.
Some of those who attended the FGD were the Head of the UNJ Communication Studies Study Program, Dr. Dini Safitri, S. Sos. M.Si, C.PR and TPJM S1 Communication Studies Study Program UNJ, Nada Arina Romli S.I.Kom, M.I.Kom, C.PR. In that limited discussion, participants consisting of lecturers’ representatives, learned a lot from Prof. Bambang regarding joint research and student exchange activities conducted by Prof. Bambang all this time. This is a motivation for lecturers who want to continue their studies.
“For the development of the S1 Communication Science study program itself, Prof. input. Bambang is also very valuable for the plan for the S1 Communication Science study program which will develop the study program to achieve FIBAA international accreditation,” said Mba Dini as Head of the UNJ Communication Studies S1 Study Program.