Jakarta- On Saturday, October 29 2022 the winners of the 2022 Idekita Forum Competition (LOFI) were announced. LOFI 2022 is one of a series of events organized by the Idekita Forum of the Faculty of Science Jakarta State University of Education. LOFI 2022 consists of several competitions, namely essay competitions, short story competitions (short stories), and podcast competitions.

LOFI 2022 has the theme of maximizing the Potential of Student Creativity in the Context of Realizing SDGs Towards Golden Indonesia in 2045. One of the teams that won the podcast competition was from the communication sciences study program, namely the BCT (Rapid Response Talk) Team. The title presented by the BCT Team is Quality Education, The Key to Indonesia Gold. The BCT team consists of Indah Permata Aryani (IKOM 19), Fahmi Mahmuddin Siregar (IKOM) and Wardah Agustiani (Arts Education).
Congratulations from the communication science study program coordinator: “Congratulations to the BCT team for winning 2nd place in the podcast. The collaboration that was carried out bore fruit, and the results can be improved even better for other achievements”