38 Communication Science Undergraduate Students Join the MSIB Batch 6 Program!

Jakarta, March 8, 2023 – 38 students of the Bachelor of Communication Studies Program successfully participated in the MSIB Batch 6 program. The Certified Internship and Independent Study (MSIB) program is a comprehensive career preparation program and provides an opportunity for students to study outside the study program with a guaranteed SKS conversion that is recognized by the university.

The following are the names of 36 students who successfully participated in the MSIB Batch 6 Program, Ferniza Tri Aulia, Della Fadhillah Ardiyanti, Hertanto Wijaya, Amalia Chaerani Mardiana, Syabilla Dwi Pahlovi Muhamad Zahfron Raihansyah, Ellyana Gustirani, Devano Pramudyasena Ridwan, Natasya Ananda Rheta Sitanggang, Adiza Resty Purwaningtyas, Virgiawan Faizin, Victorio Kusumosidi, Mikha Naomi, Valda Arthemecia Masayu, Amanda Syavira, Firly Amar Nashwa, Ivanna Rusli, Shiva Aprilia Azzahra, Zacky Sazari Putra, Muhammad Alwan Fadhiilah, Zaahra Okta Mufadilla, Najla Zahrani Aulia, Noval Pramana, Annisa Putri Suwito, A. Fadlilah Fachrun, Lucky Khalisha, Nabila Oktaviona Pribadi, Della Giska Meidiani, Ahmad Rizki, Muhammad Azel Ambiar Akasyah, Muhammad Teuku Luthfi Fazli, Anggito Priyambodo, Rahma Azzahra, Ahmad Rizki, Intan Maharani Putri, Mohammad Fachrendy Fiqih Ramadhani, Muhammad Dzikry Candra Negara, dan Nadaska Ilyasa Wibowo.

The Coordinator of the Communication Science Study Program, Dr. Dini Safitri S.Sos, M.Si, CPR was also pleased with the success of communication science students participating in the MSIB program.

Congratulations to the students who participated in the MSIB program. Carry out the assigned tasks with full responsibility. Hopefully get a good score, because the value will be converted with related courses “said Dini.

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