Student Class 2023 S1 Communication Science UNJ Participate in National Seminars and Webinars AMKI MUDA

Jakarta, 26 Mei 2024 – On May 20, 2024, the UNJ young AMKI national webinar was held. This webinar has the theme of preparing a sakinah mawadah warohmah family. This activity was successfully held in a hybrid manner, namely on the zoom meeting platform, and in the Latief Hedraningrat Hall, Dewi Sartika Building.

In this activity, important guests attended. Among them were the Rector of UNJ, Prof. Dr. Komarodin, M.Si., and the Chairman of PP AMKI, Prof. Dr. H. Hermawan Kresno Dipojoni. In addition to the rector and also the general chairman of PP AMKI, the Vice Dean III FIS, Dr. Abdul Haris Fatgehipon, M.Si., as well as Dr. Eka Yunita, Psi., M.Pd., and Dr. Yedi Purwanto, M.Ag., also participated in enlivening the event as the main speaker.

Seminar speaker, Dr. Eka Yunita Yustantina, Psi, M.Pd., explained about mental preparation for starting a marriage. Dr. Eka focused on the importance of communication, financial management, and opportunities in the division of roles between husband and wife in creating a harmonious household.

The Coordinator of the Communication Science Study Program, Dr. Dini Safitri S.Sos, M.Si, CPR gave a response about the Webinar organized by AMKI Muda UNJ,

“Appreciation to the class of 2023 who participated in this event, especially non-Muslim students also participated. Hopefully this event will be useful and the material presented can be applied to everyday life,” said Dini.

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