Thursday, Juli 4, 2024 – Foundation for International Business Administration Accrediation (FIBAA) conducted a visitation to the Communication Science Study Program for 2 days, namely on July 3 and 4, 2024 Communication Science S1 Study Program is in cluster 6 with four other study programs in the faculty of social sciences UNJ.
On the first day of the visitation activity, there were several sessions, starting from the session of university leaders, faculties and study programs in cluster 6, which was attended by Prof. Dr. Komarudin, M.Si, Prof. Dr. Ifan Iskandar. M.Hum, Prof. Dr. Ari Saptono, S.E., M.Pd, Dr. Andy Hadiyanto, M.A, Prof. Dr. Fahrurrozi, M.Pd, Firdaus Wajdi, M.A., Ph.D, Dr. Kurniawati, M.Si, Dr. Aris Munandar, M.Si, Dr. Abdul Haris Fathegipon, M.Si, Dr. Sari Narulita. Lc., M.Si, Prof. Dr. Desy Safitri, M.Si, Ubedilah, M.Si, Dr. Asep Suryana, M.Si, and also the Coordinator of the Communication Science Study Program, Dr. Dini Safitri, S.Sos, M.Si.
After the leadership session was over, the activity continued by conducting interviews with the head of study program accompanied by the Dean. The following session is an interview session for lecturers who attended this visitation activity. Communication Science Study Program lecturers who conducted interviews were Dr. Kinkin Yuliaty Subarsa Putri, M.Si, Dr. Maulina Larasati, M.I.Kom, Dr. E. Nugrahaeni, Nada Arina Romli, M.I.Kom, Vera Wijayanti Sucjipto M,Si, Marisa Puspita Sary M.Si.

On the second day, July 4, 2024, the activity was filled with conducting interviews about the teaching system, and the quality of learning in the UNJ Communication Science Study Program. The students who participated in the activity on the second day were Andi Putri Alifiah, Praventyasari Mutiara, Irda Adelina Dalimunthe, besides active students there were also alumni who participated in this activity, namely Nadiah Wiharnis, S.I.Kom, Salsa Ardiningrum S.I.Kom, Yoandra Putri Amarawati, S.I.Kom. The interview session was closed with an education staff interview session.

The Coordinator of the Communication Science Study Program, Dr. Dini Safitri S.Sos, M.Si, CPR gave a response about the arrival of FIBAA to the Communication Science Study Program.
“Alhamdulillah, the visitation activity has ended, and at the closing ceremony we have received feedback that was delivered verbally. Among them we have students, lecturers and staff who are solid and support each other. Although UNJ is under construction, the production facilities owned by the communication science study program are very good. For the development of the study program as the most popular study program, the communication science study program must be further supported by infrastructure such as more classrooms, lecturers and education staff whose numbers can adjust to the number of students,” said Dini.

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