The Commpreneur Fest 2024 activity organized by the Communication Science class of 2022 was held at the Teater Terbuka of the State University of Jakarta and Latief Hall of the State University of Jakarta, this activity carries the theme of Innovation in Building Business with a Social Mission where there are two focuses of the event, namely a seminar with the material title ‘Empowering Change Through Social Business’ which was presented by the speaker M. Nur Afif Aulia as Program Lead at Kitabisa and Co-Founder of Askara Nusantara.

The seminar was attended by Vice Dean III Dr. Abdul Haris Fatgehipon M.Si., and several UNJ Communication Science lecturers namely Dr. Dini Safitri, S.Sos., M.Si., CPR, Dr. Nada Arina Romli, M.I.Kom., Dr. Wiratri Anindhita, S.I.P., M.Sc., CPR., Dr. M. Fikri Akbar, S.I.Kom., M.Si, M.M., and Sandy Allifiansyah, S.I.Kom., M.A.,. This seminar discussed how business can be elaborated with social missions so that business is not only aimed at profit. In addition to the seminar, Commpreneur Fest presented an entrepreneurship booth run by the 2022 Communication Science class.

“Success for the implementation of the UNJ Communication Science Commpreneur Fest 2024 event. Hopefully this event can inspire the birth of successful young entrepreneurs from UNJ Communication Science undergraduate students,” said the Coordinator of the Communication Science Study Program Dr. Dini Safitri, S.Sos., M.Si, CPR.