Jakarta, (04/03/2025) – Located in room 406, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law building, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Dr. Sunny Lie Owens officially started her first lecture for the Critical Theory course in the 122nd semester of S-1 Communication Science. This inaugural lecture was attended by Communication Science students batch of 2023 and students who repeated the course. They enthusiastically and eagerly follow the material course for the whole semester.
In this first meeting, Dr. Sunny Lie Owens introduced herself and provided an overview of the academic journey for the upcoming semester. This lecture not only marks the start of the semester but also serves as a platform for students to build close interactions with the course lectures and understand the academic
The presence of Dr. Dini Safitri, S.Sos., M.Si., CPR, as the Coordinator of the S-1 Communication Science program, also provided support for this inaugural lecture. Her presence strengthens the commitment of the S-1 Communication Science program to provide quality education and encourage students to be active in the learning process.