On Wednesday, March 5, 2025, located in Latief Hendraningrat Hall, Dewi Sartika Building, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, S-1 Communication Science study program held Sarasehan to start the 122nd semester which is currently running. This activity was attended by most of the S-1 Communication Science lecturers, as well as students from class 2018 until 2024.
Sarasehan is a discussion activity between lecturers and S-1 Communication Science students. Often held in each semester to evaluate every last semester that has passed, and prepare for the upcoming semester.
In this Sarasehan, the lecturers, especially the Coordinator of the S-1 Communication Science study program, Dr. Dini Safitri, S.Sos., M.Si., CPR concentrated more on preparing for semester 122. She targets several things to be achieved by S-1 Communication Science students, such as PKL that are mandatory for the class of 2022, to an increase in the graduation rate of S-1 Communication Science students in the upcoming graduation. These targets are focused on being achieved to support the accreditation assessment of S-1 Communication Science in 2026.