Jakarta, November 29, 2024 – The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, State University of Jakarta held an Apresiasi Mahasiswa Berprestasi (AMAPRES) as a form of appreciation for students who have shown outstanding achievements in the academic and non-academic fields. The event took place at Ki Hajar Dewantara Building 9th Floor and was attended by the academic community of FISH UNJ.
In his speech, Vice Dean III FISH UNJ, Dr. Abdul Haris Fatgehipon. M.Si expressed his appreciation to the students who have brought the good name of the faculty and university. “Congratulations on the achievements, not only the pride of the faculty but can provide motivation to move other students to continue to innovate and excel,” he said.

The event gave awards in various categories, including Academic Achievements, National and International Competitions, and Social Contributions in the Community. There were six Communication Science students who received awards, including Azilla Khaira Tussa, who won 2nd place in the XXI PON Wakeboard Team, Zahira Rahmawati, won the Gold Medal in the English Competition of the National Science Olympiad Festival (FOSNAS), Rahmadaniyah Aliyyawaly won 1st place in the Monologue of the 2024 Regional Student Art Week, Muhammad Aulia Rafli won 1st place in the Favorite Photo Category of the Padang XIV Indonesian Student Photography Jamboree, Felycia won 1st runner-up in the Online Party Painting Competition 2023, and Khansa Syifa Wibowo won the gold medal in the Indonesian Student Science Competition.

“Congratulations to students who get achievements from the UNJ Communication Science undergraduate program, hopefully they can continue to excel and invite other friends in the study program to collaborate and compete for achievements” said the Coordinator of the UNJ Communication Science Study Program, Dr. Dini Safitri, S.Sos. M.Si, CPR.
Through this appreciation event, it is hoped that UNJ Communication Science students will be increasingly motivated to continue to excel and make positive contributions, both in the campus environment and the wider community.